Morell Credit Union Rink, 59 Queen Elizabeth Dr, Morell
April 15, 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Morell-St. Peter’s Branch #26 AGM

Notice for Morell-St. Peter’s Branch #26 Annual General Meeting.

The AGM will be held on Saturday, April 15th 2023 at 2 PM in the Community Room of the Morell Rink. This will be a very important meeting and all Members are encouraged to attend!

They will be electing their new Executive and a representative from Provincial Command will be in attendance.

All are welcome to the AGM you don’t have to be a Member to attend, but, your Membership has to be current to vote.

Elections will be held for the following positions:

    • President
    • 1st Vice President
    • 2nd Vice President
    • 3rd Vice President
    • Secretary

Please mark this important meeting in your calendars and an email will be going out shortly to members asking whether they will be attending as there will be tea/coffee and sweets after the meeting.

History Fact

Started in 1945, the first community library in Morell operated out of private homes for the first 11 years of its existence.

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