First Western Settlement
Jean Francois Morel from St. Malo, France settled in the area in 1720–1721. 
St. Peter’s Harbour Lighthouse
A light station was established in 1865, but the current lighthouse was built around 1875. It was modified in 1888 with the addition of three metres to the tower. —Photo from peipostcards.ca
Hockey in Morell
The first hockey rink in Morell was built in 1914. Morell's hockey players were known as, "The Dreadnoughts."
Morell Butter Factory
Thomas McGrath, a decorated butter maker in Western Canada for many years, eventually established himself in Morell and went on to form the Morell Butter Factory in 1924.
Church of St. Teresa of the Little Flower
In 1928, Morell's increasing population led to the creation of a mission church. St. Lawrence Hall was moved into the village of Morell, and it was subsequently consecrated the Church of St. Teresa of the Little Flower.
Morell Credit Union Founded
In January 1938, a charter was granted to the Morell Credit Union. At first, the Credit Union operated out of a vacant one-room house in what is now Green Meadows. There were originally 21 charter members.
Opening of the Co-Op
The first Co-Op store opened in Morell in 1939, and the manager was Frank Dunn.
Morell Library
Started in 1945, the first community library in Morell operated out of private homes for the first 11 years of its existence.
Fire at Morell Creamery
A devastating fire led to the destruction of the Morell Creamery in September 1963.

History Fact

The first hockey rink in Morell was built in 1914. Morell's hockey players were known as, "The Dreadnoughts."

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