Morell Public Library, 89 Red Head Rd, Morell
May 6, 10:30am to 12:30pm

Planning Ahead@ the Morell Public Library

Join Hannah from Community Legal Information for a presentation on Planning Ahead: Wills and Estates, Power of Attorney, and Health Care Decisions!

Having these important affairs in order ensures your legal, financial, and health care matters will be cared for when you are not able to do so yourself. This presentation will help you understand the importance of planning ahead and give you the tools you need to get started.

Morell Public Library
Saturday, May 6th
10:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m

You can register ahead by calling the library at (902) 961-3389.

History Fact

Thomas McGrath, a decorated butter maker in Western Canada for many years, eventually established himself in Morell and went on to form the Morell Butter Factory in 1924.

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