The Community of Morell would like to thank the Morell Fire Department and all the people who worked so hard and so diligently to ensure that the warming station was a welcome place for people to charge a phone, to get a bite to eat, to get some water or even just to get together with others. And thank you to our community members who generously provided food and supplies for others to use.


Fiona certainly made a mark in our community, but so did the people who stepped up and continue to step up to help those in need.


*The fire department would also like to generate a list of people who may be interested in helping out at the fire hall (warming station) in the event we have something similar happen in our community. If you are interested, contact the fire department.


Morell Fire Hall
15 Park Street, Morell

History Fact

Thomas McGrath, a decorated butter maker in Western Canada for many years, eventually established himself in Morell and went on to form the Morell Butter Factory in 1924.

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